Friday, December 11, 2009
December and Eyes and Weight
2009 is almost over. I swear this year went by so fast... so much faster than any other year I can remember. Is it because I'm getting older? Is it because my life has no routine so the days just fly? Or is it because I'm always planning ahead? Who knows...
I'm glad to say I've had my Christmas Shopping done for quite sometime now. I always have a goal to get it done before Turkey Day. It doesn't always happen, but I can't stand the crowds and bad attitudes as Christmas get closer and closer.
Ben and I are headed to MA for Christmas. We are hitching a ride with Santa on Christmas eve about 1130pm. and he's dropping us off in Boston at around 5am. And yes, my wonderful parents are driving 2 hours to Boston on Christmas Morning to pick us up at 5am! Aren't they wonderful! Merry Christmas huh? God also provided doggie sitters for us. God bless Bethany and Joel!
Since the summer I have been having problems with my Right eye - specifically Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis. This now means I can no longer wear contact lenses. I have been wearing them since 7th grade. And for those of you who know how I feel about my eyes.. you know this is a terrible disappointment. I have to wear glasses now :( I am petrified of anyone getting near my eyes, but that Lasik Surgery is looking better and better! So.... My old old old old pair of glasses is alright for now, but I'm gonna have to take the plunge soon and buy new ones if i'm gonna have to wear glasses FOREVER now... sigh..
As for weight... I'm turning 30 next September and on my 29th b-day I just didn't like where I was. I felt out of control with my eating and I was using food as a comfort, a warmer, bordem buster... I tried to "diet", but that lasted one meal. So I decieded to join Weight Watchers. Since Oct 1 I have lost 10.5 lbs. WOOHOO. I feel better about myself. My clothes fit better. I feel in control and satisfied with my new eating habits. PLUS When I reach my goal (Hopefully in Feb or March) Ben said I can reward myself with a new wardorbe from my favorite store... THE LIMITED!! What a modivator, let me tell you. Isn't my husband wonerful?!? So pray for me if you think about it. It is really hard to stay on track with all this holiday candy, pies, parties, cookies, ect...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Rachel is 1!
Rachel's party was just a few hours after I came in. My sister-in-law is so talented and was a great hostess. Rachel's party was very special. There were so many people there to clap for her and give her attention. Rachel had a blast. She was all giggles and squeals. Below is a video of her tasting her first frosting... she obviously enjoyed it!
I am so glad I didn't miss this special weekend. Rachel is so precious and it was such a blessing for me to have some quality time with her.
The sweater I've been working on since April... FIT! I was kind of nervous it would be too small for her, but as you can tell from the pic, she has room to grow.

Sunday night my Grandma "K" took my parents and I out to dinner. There was a little place with a prime rib special. It was really good.
The rest of the trip was very restful. It was a short, but I got to spend a lot of time with the family. The only thing missing was Ben. He's gonna try to make an appearance next time :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
GoodBye Summer
We had friends visit from CA with their doggies for a week.
I've almost completed the sweater I'm knitting.
We went to the cheap theater several times. Saw a few great movies!
Ben finally got a break and was able to rest, read, play Wii, walk, and just have Ben time.
I READ FOUR BOOKS! They were big books too! For those of you who know me... this is huge. Reading has never been one of my... let's say hobbies.
We had hail storms and tornadoes in July that the city is still trying to recover from.
We discovered GoodTimes Frozen Custard - Weds = NY Cheescake, Thurs = Chocolate Chip, Friday = Oreo Cookie
Fergie learned a new trick.
We never had to turn on our A/C.
The weather is starting to get cooler, it's darker in the mornings, and school has started.
I have to leave earlier for work because all the soccer moms are on the roads now.
I'm starting to drink tea again in the morning to warm me up and wake me up.
My b-day is coming. Lot's of family b-days... best friend - Becca, Grampa, Frances, Mario, Aunt A, Flannery, Uncle R. (and this is just September) Rachel's in October. Am I missing anyone?
My mom is here for a visit!
My niece is turning 1!
Ben is in his second to last semester! And planning for the future after graduation.
This is my favorite time of year - Sweater weather, beautiful leaves changing color, that smell of autumn is so refreshing.
People start pulling out their holiday decor from the basement. Although I don't like to see Christmas stuff until at least November, but I've already had a Christmas catalog come in the mail! Oh well!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
We've Figured Him Out
The American Spectator
We've Figured Him Out
By Ben Stein
Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?
Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths:
The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith.
They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright.
They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer," Illinois state legislator, and Senator.
The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.
Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.
The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill -- a great idea in theory -- was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.
Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.
The American people already know that Mr. Obama's plan to lower health costs while expanding coverage and bureaucracy is a myth, a promise of something that never was and never will be -- a bureaucracy lowering costs in a free society. Either the costs go up or the free society goes away.
These are perilous times. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, has given Iran the go-ahead to have nuclear weapons, an unqualified betrayal of the nation. Now, we face a devastating loss of freedom at home in health care. It will be joined by controls on our lives to "protect us" from global warming, itself largely a fraud if believed to be caused by man.
Mr. Obama knows Americans are getting wise and will stop him if he delays at all in taking away our freedoms.
There is his urgency and our opportunity. Once freedom is lost, America is lost. Wake up, beloved America.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
June 17th!

This morning Ben and I were thinking back on our anniversaries. First of all we had the most beautiful, picture perfect wedding. Just a small gathering on the beach. As you can see from the pic, it was a perfect day.
Year one: he surprised me with a trip to a hot springs resort.
Year two: I surprised him with a trip to SD.
Year three: We bought a Wii and have been having a lot of fun with it!
I like anniversaries!
Ben, I am honored and blessed that God chose me to be your wife. That I get to be on this adventure with you. That I get to watch you grow. That I get to be part of this process. That I get to be part of the good times and bad times.
I am proud of you and I am excited to see what God is doing and is going to do in the future.
PS: PTL we weren't called in for jury duty today!
Monday, June 8, 2009
allergies and tornadoes
As for tornadoes... yesterday there were 5 tornadoes in the Denver area! Thankfully not near us we just got rain. I think Littleton is too close to the mountains to have tornadoes. But this morning I heard about the golf ball size hail and all the damage caused by the weather yesterday... check it out.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Last week Ben had his finals for his Spring 2009 classes. I am so proud of him for finishing another semester- a really tough semester!! I mean a boring Old Testament class (where the prof made the students buy 10 of HIS books for the class) and STATISTICS (need I say more?).
Well we had a great weekend last weekend before the mayhem started again. We had a date night on Friday and saw the new Star Trek movie - which I must say was GREAT!
Then Monday came and the roller coaster started again.
This week Ben started 2 new jobs which means training, an online class with a lot of busy work, and continued with his internship.
I finally got comfortable with the schedule and it changed again. I guess God doesn't want me comfortable :) There is a time and place for everything. I will have my comfortable time one day.
I also will really miss my Starbucks' Chai now that Ben is no longer working there.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Colorado weather struck again this past week. Monday morning I woke up to another snow blizzard (a "surprise blizzard") but by yesterday it was in the 70s again. I guess I can't complain that the snow never stays around.
I started knitting a sweater for my niece, Rachel. I hope to have it done by her 1st b-day in October. Here are some pics of the first 4 inches:

I'll keep you updated on the progress. These 4 inches took me about 5 hours total. I'm learning as I go, so it'll be a long process.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What the????
I ask you how is that possible? It's 71 degrees and they are threatening us with 10-30 inches of SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Denver!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Just Because
Over the weekend, I felt really ucky. PMSy, and drained.... ya know. Well when I got home from work yesterday, Ben (in his few precious hours at home in the morning) cleaned up the whole apartment, and left me little love notes and thank you notes all over, and gave me a 'coupon' for a date night this week! Then after a full 10 hour day he went out of his way and bought me this huge beautiful bouquet of flowers!
He is truly the most amazing hubby EVER! God has blessed me beyond measure!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Pros and Cons
Great tool to catch up and keep in touch with friends!
As not to go into too much detail. Last Friday I had a FB (facebook) scare. I noticed that someone was prying into my life and the lives of my family members using FB. There is no reason, that I can think of, why this person should be friends with some of my family. He's never met them and most likely never will.
Well the good thing about FB is that you can delete people like that from your "friends". So that's what I did. I now have fewer "friends"- per say, but I feel much better about the whole thing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
You know you feel old when...

My oldest and dearest friend, Becca, had baby #2 last week. Caleb Ryan Quinby. I get to meet him next week. I'm so excited!
You can check out picture of this precious baby and the family here.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Egg

I am sitting here at work eating my hard boiled egg and realizing.... I love the egg! I think I have my father to thank for my love of the egg.
I remember growing up having eggs so much that they mistook my mildew allergy for an egg allergy (that's a long story for another time). But through this mishap, a family tradition evolved. Every Sunday morning.. and I mean EVERY... my dad made breakfast. Eggs ~ With turkey bacon, toast or bagel, or his special homemade homefries.
The egg creations came in all forms. Hard boiled. Over easy. Cheese and/or veggie omelet. Bagel sandwich.
I think my dad has always had a dream of being a short order cook or a B&B owner. ;)
If you were to go to my parents house, you would always find plenty of eggs in the fridge and most likely there would be a few hard boiled in there just for a quick snack/meal.
Well now my wonderful husband makes breakfast for me every morning. Yep, you guessed it.. Eggs. And he is so good at it too. yummmm.
Ya know.. there's always the chocolate egg, too :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fergie got her big girl shots yesterday. Ben and I took her to the vet for her rabies vaccinations and a heartworm test.
For normal people with normal dogs, going to the vet shouldn't and usually isn't a stressful event. But I never grew up with "normal" dogs. Most of the dogs we owned were rescue dogs. And anyone whose owned a rescue dog knows they usually come with issues.
One dog we had, Mugsy, had the most issues. He was a lovable and beautiful and smart German Shepherd. But we were his 3rd home by the time he was 3. Not good for a dog who is bred to be loyal to 1 person. With lots of work and structure, he turned out pretty good.
Anywho, taking Mugsy to the vet was a 3 man job. One person had to go in first and make sure the parking lot and vet waiting area was clear of all other animals. Mugsy went BONKERS when other dogs were around. Man 2 brought Mugsy in - who was usually my mom because my mom was his #1 alpha. It was very stressful to take him anywhere!
So these experiences leave lasting impressions. When you have a psycho dog you learn things. You learn to be very aware of your surroundings before your dog is, you learn how read the dogs emotions before they can react, you learn to prevent run aways and fights. All the while you are scared to bring your dog anywhere, let them of leash with no boundaries, and leave the trash where they can get it. :)
You take these things with you with every dog. But then there's Fergie.
She is sweet, smart, happy and tries so hard to please. Even with hesitantance I let her off leash, and she stays close by. I take her in the car, and she just sits quietly until we get back. I can leave the trash out and she knows that's off limits.
And yesterday we took her to the vet. She was an angel. She loved the vet, who was WONDERFUL with her. She didn't mind the shots or the blood test or exam. She just laid down in the room and let the Dr. pet her and play with her. They exchanged kisses. It was such a great experience for all.
Honestly, I was anxious going to the vet, but I need to learn to trust Fergie. She's earned it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Esther is my favorite Bible character. I remember my first Bible was a picture Bible and I had my mom read that story over and over and over. I even remember the pictures so clearly! Esther was so beautiful.
Another memory I have of Purim is the Purim plays my Sunday School class put on every year. Now mind you my Sunday School class consisted of me, my brother- Bryan, and my cousin- Emily. Of course ever year I HAD.. I mean threw a temper tantrum HAD.. to be Esther. Which means my brother always played both King Ahasuerus and Mordecai. And poor Emily always ended up playing Haman, the bad guy. EVERY YEAR! I think maybe the last year we did it, Emily got to play Esther. I'm so sorry Emily. Looking back, I was quite a brat for doing that.
The plays were simple, but meaningful. My mom and aunt put so much work into them and trying to get the 3 of us to perform it with some historical accuracy. I remember these noise makers that every time the name Haman was mentioned, everyone Booed and made noise. So much fun to elementary school kids.
The other great thing about Purim is the hamentaschen. I guess all Jewish holidays come with some great sweets. You can't separate us Jews and our food or a reason to eat. :)
My interesting fact about the book of Esther is that the word "GOD" isn't mentioned once. But God plays an important part in the story.
My favorite verse in Esther is 4:16. It shows her faith and courage and her willingness to risk her life to save her people:
"Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish."Happy Purim everyone!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Summer - Good, Wind - Bad
As much as I'm enjoying this amazing weather... with the Spring also comes WIND.... hard nasty loud WIND. At night it howls something awful! Unfortuately our dog is terrified of wind... i mean shaking and whining and restless. So at night time when the wind is howling she doesn't sleep, which means we don't sleep. I think the thing that frightens her the most are when the blinds rattle. When it's 70 outside, we like to sleep with the windows open, but the wind makes this tough. I'm gonna get curtains this weekend and maybe that will help.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Whether it's a way to train Fergie not to fear the wind and rattling blinds or a way to mute the windy noises?
Last night was a windy night and Fergie (nor Ben and I) didn't sleep. Even this morning she wouldn't come out from under the bed and she was whining something awful. So before I left for work I turned on the radio for her. She came out for a treat and actully started to relax because she couldn't hear the wind. I left the radio on when I left hoping the poor puppy would be able to relax a little while home alone. Silly puppy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's been a while
My life is pretty routine at the moment. Work 8-5, M-F. Work around Ben's schedule. He is very busy, some days I don't see him till 9 or 10 at night. :(
My weeks go by quickly:
-Monday work 8-5 and have dinner with Ben whenever he gets home. He has a class at 6:30AM then internship till about 8 at night.
-Tuesday work 8-5 and have dinner with Ben and Watch 24 (online because we don't have a TV). Ben has a class in the morning then internship again till late.
-Wednesday work 8-5, the week is half over. Ben is home all day so after work we have a grocery shopping date :)
-Thursday work 8-5 and then if Ben works I don't see him till late and I stay home and knit :)
-Friday work 8-4 and then Ben is home during the day then usually works at night (I sometimes see him pulling out of our apartment). I am home knitting again. I need and like the quiet times
-Saturdays and Sundays are usually pretty low key. Clean house, run errands, church, make meals for the week. and hang out with Ben when he's home.
Then it's Monday all over again....
I'm going to my parents house for a week in March. I can't wait to see Rachel, my niece. I miss all my family as well. I'll post pics.
My dog is doing well. She is such a joy and a big goober.
Well there's not much else to tell. I am very blessed and loving life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Please pray for Hannah and her family. It's been really tough on them, and it's going to be a long road to recovery!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Right after I started this new hobby, I found out my brother & sister-in-law were gonna have a baby. So I got a baby blanket book and learned as I went. Of course I didn't choose a beginner pattern, so 10 months later I finally finished. Here's the blanket:

When that project was done I wanted to start something new where I could learn more. A lady I work with is a knitting expert! So she taught me how to make a Peruvian Flap Hat. I just finished it for my dad. I really enjoyed it.

So my next project... I think I am going to make another hat for my mom. YAY for knitting!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Cone Head
For me, there are very fond memories of my childhood that involve Friendly's. We went there with my dad every Wednesday morning for breakfast in elementary school- (I always got scrambled eggs with a bagel and cream cheese). We went there for sundaes after piano recitals, basketball games, baseball games, school plays, or any other major school activity. I met up with friends for a quick lunch and a chat. My brother worked there for several years in High School and got a pretty impressive scooper muscle on his right arm (he also smelled like hot fudge when he got home *drool). I remember right after my high school graduation I met up at Friendly's with my 3rd/4th grade teacher Ms. Shaefer and all of the classmate in my graduating class that were in her class back in the day (I think there were like 8 of us- that's the life of a small Christian school).
The thing I remember the most about Friendly's is THE CONE HEAD:

Ahhhh sweet sweet memories!
Friday, January 23, 2009
A deep thankfulness
A year ago this Sunday, Jan 25. My brother, Bryan, went into the hospital for what was original thought to be food poisoning, and which ended up to a month stay at Tufts neurosurgery ICU in Boston. He had had a little bleeding in his brain due to an AVM (Arterial Venus Malformation) was found in the cortex area of his brain. Simply put, an AVM is a little tangle of blood vessels.
During that time he had several serious brain surgery's and procedures to remove the AVMs, he had CAT scans, needles, and long nights of being woken up every hour to see if he could still remember who he was, count, and speak.
My mom and sister-in-law lived out of a hotel room and Bryan's hospital room and the waiting room. And my dad drove back and forth (2 hours one way in the winter) everyday- taking care of the dogs, running errands, doing laundry....
God was so faithful during that time. Every minute he showed up in a big way. Numerous friends filled in the caps with support and prayers. Bryan came through every brain surgery and procedure. God provided $ for the hotel room. The numerous doctors and nurses were kind and honest, and helpful. And Bryan went home with a clean bill of health. To top it all off the week after Bryan got home, he found out that he and my sister-in-law were going to have a baby- a baby they had been waiting for for years!
Today, a year later, Bryan is doing great, as if nothing ever happened. His eyesight is back to perfect, his balance is back to normal, and they have a beautiful baby girl, Rachel. And Bryan has been promoted at work.
I am looking back on that scary time Praising God for his goodness and faithfulness. I am deeply thankful to have my brother alive and well today.
If you want to read about Bryan's ordeal last year, here is the blog I kept while he was in the hospital: Bryan's Blog. It's good to look back and remember what the Lord has done!
Psalm 100:5-
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
the big 60!
What is "it" that makes you unique? It's a strength. It's a confidence. It's a humility. It's a desire to be something and someone. It's a will not to settle for something less. It's a love. It's an accountability. It's a trustworthiness. It's a Godliness. It's a hopefulness. It's an attitude that is positive. It's a sense of humor. It's a heart of thankfulness. It's a generous giving of your time, talents, and finances. It's a determination and endurance to reach your goals. It's an integrity and honor.
Monday, January 12, 2009
1. My Sister-in-law Rebekah Weiss. She is Ben's sister. She likes to be called Bex. She has been married for a year now, and lives in CA with Ben's side of the family.

2. My best and long- time friend, Rebecca "Moore" Quinby. We have been friends since.... elementary school at least. She is very special to me. We don't talk often (to my "keeping in contact" disorder). We seem to always miss each other. When I was in high school, she was in IL at college - then I went away to college and she moved back to MA - then I came home and she went to Mexico for 2 years - then she came home and I went CA. But she is one of those people who you pick up where you left off and you can count on for anything. She has seen me at my worst and at my best. Oh the memories we have!!! She is the mother of 1.5 children. She likes to be called Becca.
3. My other friend from CA/PA/NYC, Rebecca Lipkowitz. She is a friend who you can count on to challenge you, make you laugh, and give you something to think about! She is hard working and after talking to her for only a few seconds it is easy to see God is going to (and does frequently) use her mightly! I am very proud of her! She likes to be called Becka, or Lippy.

4. My other Sister-in-Law (my brother's wife) is Rebecca Kaye. Where do I begin? She is an amazing woman (and not just to put up with my brother!). I am honored to be related to her. She is talented and smart and crafty. She is sweet, gentle, but don't cross her or her Italian side will come out! :) I love her very much. I could not have imagined or prayed for more in a sister. She is one of those people you can talk to about anything. She is the mother of my beautiful niece, Rachel Lily. She likes to be called Becky.

I am a very Blessed person to have these women in my life. I just looked up the name Rebecca to see what it meant: A person with a Captivating personality. All of these women have captivating personalities. All very different, but they have all made a difference in my life.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Simple Pleasures
There are 2 things I can think of that do that for me:
1. I just bought myself a set of Tupperware... well the Rubbermaid brand. I've been married for 2.5 years and this is my first set. In the past we've been using old cool whip containers or yogurt containers (TOTALLY unhealthy by the way). I've been saying forever that I need to just bite the bullet and get a set. Well when I finally did, I got the biggest high from throwing those old crappy things away. I get so much joy out of using them and seeing them nicely piled in my drawer. AND they are dishwasher safe! YEA!!!!!
2. The second thing that is so simple, but give me such a boost... Is getting into bed with clean& tight sheets, in clean PJS, after a nice hot shower. OH MY GOODNESS- my whole being just relaxes. I can feel each of my muscles begin to settle and say "ahhhhhhh~ thank you!" When this happens Ben knows to give me a few minutes to enjoy the moment before moving on with life. hee hee
What are your simple pleasures?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
In High School, I did 'ok'- not straight A's by any means. But most of my class (of 19 students) would always compare how they did to my grade. I hated that!
Surprisingly enough, grad school is no different. Ben's been telling me that a lot of people are still asking him "how'd ya do?" or "what'd ya get?" WHO CARES what someone else got? If you worked hard and did your best... what does it matter? Seriously people. You are not there to get the "who did the best" award. Or to get your sense of satisfaction because you did better than someone else.
Especailly in Seminary, if you are there because God has called and is calling you to ministry for HIM, why should other people's grades or performance matter? I know God is calling Ben to be a counselor. God opened the door to Denver Seminary. Ben is doing his best and working his hardest = God will bless that because HE has Ben here.
Now after my ranting on grades... Ben just got his grades back for the fall semester. Let me tell you - this was a HARD semester. From patronizing professors, to professors who put their personal lives before teaching and cancelled the class half way through and then never returened calls or emails... He even had a professsor (yes this is grad school ladies and gents) who took attendance every morning in a 2nd grader fashion.
On top of this full course load, Ben worked 20+ hours a week at startbucks (which usually meant 4:30 AM shifts), he also was an excellent and attentive husband.
In summary... I'm am writting all this to let the world know (and Ben might be mad I'm saying this) but my wonderful hard working husband got ALL A's. I am so proud of him. He earned every single one.
Nahum 1:7:
The LORD is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him.