There are 3 special Rebecca's (and one Rebekah) in my life.
1. My Sister-in-law Rebekah Weiss. She is Ben's sister. She likes to be called
Bex. She has been married for a year now, and lives in CA with Ben's side of the family.

2. My best and long- time friend,
Rebecca "Moore"
Quinby. We have been friends since.... elementary school at least. She is very special to me. We don't talk often (to my "keeping in contact" disorder). We seem to always miss each other. When I was in high school, she was in IL at college - then I went away to college and she moved back to MA - then I came home and she went to Mexico for 2 years - then she came home and I went CA. But she is one of those people who you pick up where you left off and you can count on for anything. She has seen me at my
worst and at my best. Oh the memories we have!!! She is the mother of 1.5 children. She likes to be called

3. My other friend from CA/PA/NYC,
Rebecca Lipkowitz. She is a friend who you can count on to challenge you, make you laugh, and give you something to think about! She is hard working and after talking to her for only a few seconds it is easy to see God is going to (and does frequently) use her
mightly! I am very proud of her! She likes to be called
Becka, or Lippy.

4. My other Sister-in-Law (my brother's wife) is
Rebecca Kaye. Where do I begin? She is an amazing woman (and not just to put up with my brother!). I am honored to be related to her. She is talented and smart and crafty. She is sweet, gentle, but don't cross her or her Italian side will come out! :) I love her very much. I could not have imagined or prayed for more in a sister. She is one of those people you can talk to about anything. She is the mother of my beautiful
niece, Rachel Lily. She likes to be called Becky.

I am a very Blessed person to have these women in my life. I just looked up the name
Rebecca to see what it meant: A person with a
Captivating personality. All of these women have
captivating personalities. All very different, but they have all made a difference in my life.