Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How to cope

I have been so excited about being with my parents this next week. I am still excited, but today I'm starting to feel a little sad. Because as soon as they come, they'll be gone again. I don't get to see them very often, maybe 3 times a year if I'm lucky. So I'm just a wave of emotions today (could also be PMS, but that's beside the fact ~ hee hee).

So my question to you is... How do you deal with all this? I know I just have to enjoy the time they are here and not think about them leaving. I am also praying that the time will go by slowly. I almost feel like it's a carrot dangling in front of me that's gonna get pulled away soon.

I am blessed and thankful they are coming and we can have Christmas with them. I am also thankful the weather looks clear on both ends so they won't have any problems with flights. I am also happy that they are here for a whole week and not just a short weekend like our usual visits are.

God is good all the time and I think I just need to remember my time, my family and my life is in his hands. And most of all he knows the deepest desires of my heart.

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