Fergie got her big girl shots yesterday. Ben and I took her to the vet for her rabies vaccinations and a heartworm test.
For normal people with normal dogs, going to the vet shouldn't and usually isn't a stressful event. But I never grew up with "normal" dogs. Most of the dogs we owned were rescue dogs. And anyone whose owned a rescue dog knows they usually come with issues.
One dog we had, Mugsy, had the most issues. He was a lovable and beautiful and smart German Shepherd. But we were his 3rd home by the time he was 3. Not good for a dog who is bred to be loyal to 1 person. With lots of work and structure, he turned out pretty good.
Anywho, taking Mugsy to the vet was a 3 man job. One person had to go in first and make sure the parking lot and vet waiting area was clear of all other animals. Mugsy went BONKERS when other dogs were around. Man 2 brought Mugsy in - who was usually my mom because my mom was his #1 alpha. It was very stressful to take him anywhere!
So these experiences leave lasting impressions. When you have a psycho dog you learn things. You learn to be very aware of your surroundings before your dog is, you learn how read the dogs emotions before they can react, you learn to prevent run aways and fights. All the while you are scared to bring your dog anywhere, let them of leash with no boundaries, and leave the trash where they can get it. :)
You take these things with you with every dog. But then there's Fergie.
She is sweet, smart, happy and tries so hard to please. Even with hesitantance I let her off leash, and she stays close by. I take her in the car, and she just sits quietly until we get back. I can leave the trash out and she knows that's off limits.
And yesterday we took her to the vet. She was an angel. She loved the vet, who was WONDERFUL with her. She didn't mind the shots or the blood test or exam. She just laid down in the room and let the Dr. pet her and play with her. They exchanged kisses. It was such a great experience for all.
Honestly, I was anxious going to the vet, but I need to learn to trust Fergie. She's earned it.