As much as I'm enjoying this amazing weather... with the Spring also comes WIND.... hard nasty loud WIND. At night it howls something awful! Unfortuately our dog is terrified of wind... i mean shaking and whining and restless. So at night time when the wind is howling she doesn't sleep, which means we don't sleep. I think the thing that frightens her the most are when the blinds rattle. When it's 70 outside, we like to sleep with the windows open, but the wind makes this tough. I'm gonna get curtains this weekend and maybe that will help.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Whether it's a way to train Fergie not to fear the wind and rattling blinds or a way to mute the windy noises?
Last night was a windy night and Fergie (nor Ben and I) didn't sleep. Even this morning she wouldn't come out from under the bed and she was whining something awful. So before I left for work I turned on the radio for her. She came out for a treat and actully started to relax because she couldn't hear the wind. I left the radio on when I left hoping the poor puppy would be able to relax a little while home alone. Silly puppy.

ohhhh... so that's why the radio was on when I got home (gets up to turn the radio back on)
My advice? Have a baby! Sounds like you're up at night anyway, so... :)
Kristen, you made my day! I love you!
Kristen.. omg! lol
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