Friday, December 19, 2008

Fridays & Babies

Why do we love Friday's so much. I just wake up in a better mood on Fridays! There's no traffic, I get out of work early, I can wear jeans... It's just great! On Friday nights I just love getting into bed knowing that tomorrow is Saturday, I don't have to get up for anything~ ok the dog gets me up at 6:30a but I stay in my pjs as long as possible! It's not an uncommon sight on Saturday mornings to see me in my P.J.s doing laundry, cleaning house, making breakfast, taking the dog out... I feel my Saturdays last longer when I'm in my PJs. Sigh....

Ok, so you are probably wondering why I mentioned babies. NO I'M NOT...! But it seems like EVERYONE around me is!! I swear I know like 20+ people who are either pregnant or has had a baby in the last 6 months! There must be something in the water! Like my mom said the other day we are all in that stage of life. I remember the year after I graduated college there were like 10 weddings I was invited too, 5 I was in! So life goes in stages....

My friend Vanessa just had a baby yesterday (congrats V), My friend Claudia is due in a few weeks, several girls from college are ready too pop. My own brother and sister-in-law just had a baby too. My friend Becca (no not either of my sister-in-laws) is going to have a baby in March. My Small Group leaders from our church in San Fran are at the hospital right now! I have at least 16 facebook friends in baby mode! Anyone I'm forgetting?!? OH MY GOODNESS!

This is my niece, Rachel Lily!

Well like my wonderful hubby suggested... We're just going to get another dog.

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